Panasonic Youth

Rails Conf 2006, this blog, and biking

Jim and I leave here in about six hours to try and beat the rush hour traffic to Chicago for Rails Conf. I should probalby try to get some sleep. I’ll try to cover the event for Ajaxian, tho I’m not sure how much true ajax related content there will be. I know there are a bunch of more ruby-specific sessions I am very interested in attending…

In blog news, this sidebar is completely broken in my theme somehow, and I’m looking into converting to SimpleLog or just upgrading to WP 2.0. Or maybe I’ll just start fresh with something else. Since moving to the new job, my blog has suffered, which is to be expected, and I imagine many subscribers and readers fell away. Posting has become very irregular, and the content has probably left something to be desired for some. I hope to move to a more consistent, longer entries, rather then a few hits here and there.

In random stuff, I have a new Trek 7.5fx bike, and find myself looking at geeky bike gear lusting after biker shorts and cleat shoes. Another hobby to sink some time and money into, but at least its healthy and gets me away from wasting gas. The wife and I plan on getting a Chariot kid carrier, so we can strap the screaming child in and take him for “joyrides” around town. Madison is really an awesome biking city, and I realize now that not having a good bike was really wasting some fantastic opportunities available here. The amount of trails and bike lanes is just amazing, and there is a crazy biker community with any subculture (fixie, mountain, road, etc) you could you want. So if you live in Madison, an don’t own a bike, get to Machinery Row and get riding!