Panasonic Youth

How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

I recently got back from a very relaxing two weeks in Wisconsin, for a very white Christmas and some good family time. Nothing quite like a little red wine, music, and coding by the fire:

cabernet, code, music, and a hot fire

No big resolutions for the new year, maybe some small personal goals I’ll be working on. I’d like to continue to ramp up the quantity and quality of open source and speaking/blogging, but no big promises at this point. If there is one thing I’m sure of its that change comes through a continuous commitment to small, gradual changes.

If you want to lost weight, make a resolution to take the stairs or walk ten minutes everyday. Want to write more? Commit your self to 500 words a day. Big commitments too often bring big disappointments, but small changes add up and bring results over time.