Git lessons learned
Lessons learned from day to day use with various ruby and rails projects.
Submodules completely suck when things get complex - I’m moving away from no submodules, and using direct exports for now until I have time to research braid or piston 2.0. For more details on this, see this or this post on the github group.
Use capistrano 2.2, not 2.3! 2.3 breaks git support
Always use :remote_cache for deployments – super fast with git
If you have weird errors, it probably means you need to pull - when in doubt pull to make sure you have the latest
Branch more locally - I’ve been burned a few times when I’ve started work in master and then regretted it later when I wished my work wasn’t in mainline (yes, its possible to fix this after the fact, but that gets into more advanced git usage)